Tuesday, February 10, 2009

spider pig! spider pig! does whatever spider pig does!


A CAT! i'm so freaking excited. his name is Spider Pig (yes, after the simpson's movie) bc when i first saw him, he climbed up the cages in the room he was in.. and then got bored and climbed back down them. face first. as if he were walking. it was the coolest thing i've ever seen... and so i said he climbs like a spider monkey, and then remembered homer's song and thought it was hilarious. thus, spider pig. i call him pig for short. making his blogger debut... here he is :) what do y'all think?


Ben said...

Good job on the naming. Cat's are cool, and you don't have to walk them like you would a dog. Also, if that's supposed to be a crab, then it doesn't have enough legs (don't ask me why I felt the need to point that out).

Enjoy playing with your new friend.

Heather Rose said...

Looks like there's some mainecoon in there somewhere. He's got that M on his forehead. Bet he's a sweetie!