Monday, February 2, 2009

super bowl sunday = fattest day of the year

this weekend was the super bowl. a weekend that is known for belligerency, fatty foods and the occasional football watching. not wanting to be left out, i decided i would partake in all of the above - but would be smart about it, as i had a french test on monday at 9. therefore, instead of taking the whole weekend out to booze, i would only go out friday, study study study saturday and not partake in drinking like a fish on sunday night to ensure i could study a little more after the game and be well rested for monday morning.

which was all find and dandy in theory.

the problem with most of my plans is that they are simply that - theories.

i went out friday, drank my body weight in beer, went to jimmy john's with my friend to feast on the goodness that is a turkey sandwich at 3 am, took the t home (aka - the drunk bus) and passed out in my bed.

i then woke up on saturday, at 2:45, and tried to clear my mind of the haze that was around surrounding it, beckoning me to the beer fridge, and sat at my friend's house to study. i facebooked for 4 hours. at 3, my best guy friend texted and called me incessantly in a feeble attempt to have me join him for drunk food, since he had gone to the bar. because i had not partaken in the gloriousness that is saturday night on a college campus, drunk food was not my idea of a good time.

sunday, however, is a completely different story.

i went to one of the fraternity houses to watch the super bowl in the living room that was complete with surround sound, projector, huge screen and stadium style couch seating. gloriousness. oh, did i mention the huge beer fridge that was stocked to the max and mine for the taking? oh, well that was there too. i, being responsible and studious, decided to only have a few beers (nobody wants to be the debbie downer). cut to the end of the super bowl and i'm having a conversation with a random boy when WHAM! it hits me - i'm drunk.

at this point, i decide there are 2 ways we can go about this. i can stop drinking, hope to sober up a little bit and study, or i can succumb to it and continue on my merry, drunken way and be fully hydrated. deciding i am simply too thirsty still to stop in my tracks, i decide drinking more beer, half a bag of franzia and taking a shot are some of the greatest ideas i've had that day.

which may or may not be debatable.

when we left, i did what i am most ashamed of.

i ate not one, but two drunk meals.

two drunk meals i would not go anywhere near if i were sober. mcdonald's breakfast mcgriddles and krystal's cheeseburgers. now, i don't know if you've ever had either of these, but they are not exactly a part of the food pyramid, a balanced meal, or actually good at all. so why, you may ask, would i succumb to not one, but two meals of extrodinary calories? because i was not the one buying them. oh, and because i'm a moron.

needless to say, i woke up this morning late and drunk. oh, and feeling like i may vomit mcdonalds and krystal's all over my french exam. which i'm almost certain i failed.


in other news, #18 of my 101 things is close to becoming a reality. i am 90% sure i am going to run the Music City 1/2 Marathon in Nashville, TN!! Yayy!!

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