Wednesday, January 28, 2009

101 things in 1,001 days

so i was poking around and saw a post about writing down, and completing 101 things in 1,001 days here, and i think it's a great idea. i wrote mine... y'all should do it, too. i think it'll be fun to be able to change the color on the lines of things! yayy!


not started

in progress


101 Things in 1001 Days

  1. Make the dean’s list at least twice
  2. Bring my GPA up to something I can talk about publicly
  3. Cook all the recipes in my mom’s recipe book
  4. Create my own recipe book
  5. Go to 5 concerts, at least 2 out of state
  6. Start writing a book
  7. Graduate from The University of Tennessee
  8. Backpack Europe
  9. Visit Australia
  10. Learn to surf
  11. Learn to speak French conversationally (it doesn’t have to be perfect, but enough to be able to be confident in France)
  12. Study more
  13. Stop binge drinking more than twice a week
  14. Go sky-diving
  15. Take a photography class
  16. Go fishing
  17. Run a 5K
  18. Run a half marathon or marathon for leukemia research
  19. Help someone to make themselves more healthy - be it eating habits, exercise or just mentally
  20. Visit Hawaii
  21. Go to Vegas
  22. Rescue a pet (PIG!!!)
  23. Buy a new computer (yayyy my new MacBook!!!)
  24. Make a new friend every month
  25. Send my mother flowers
  26. Blog more – at least a few times a week
  27. Be more honest
  28. Go scuba diving in another country
  29. Kiss someone under the Eiffel Tower
  30. Attend a red carpet event
  31. Be a vegetarian for at least three months in a row
  32. Find a job that I like
  33. Find a job after graduation
  34. Make my parents proud
  35. Visit my mom more than once a year (Christmas, summer...)
  36. Make t-shirts for my friends for an event (Drunk on the Plane shirts from Vegas)
  37. Take a trip with friends that requires a flight (VEGAS!!)
  38. Go on a cruise
  39. Kiss someone in the rain
  40. Volunteer at Habitat for Humanity
  41. Teach English in Africa
  42. Introduce a guy to all my parents and not be ashamed or worried of their reaction
  43. Stress less about my step-mom
  44. Work at a sleep-away summer camp
  45. Work on a ski slope for a winter
  46. Go camping
  47. Get out of overdraft
  48. Learn how to not hate my mom’s boyfriend
  49. Host a dinner party (deliciousness)
  50. Cook a holiday meal
  51. Organize my room
  52. Stop eating when I drink for 60 days
  53. Find a pair of jeans that fits me well, or….
  54. Fit into my skinny jeans again
  55. Take the LSAT
  56. Make a candlelit dinner
  57. Get an A on both a French (90%!!) and a Statistics test (97% AND a 94%!!)
  58. Learn to dance
  59. Take more cooking classes
  60. Learn to golf
  61. Learn the entire Michael Jackson Thriller dance
  62. Visit all the schools in the SEC (12)
  63. Go to Mardi Gras
  64. Go to the Kentucky Derby again
  65. Do sober what I say I’m going to do drunk
  66. Read a new book every month (January - The Last American Man, February - I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell, March - Twilight, April - Breaking Dawn, May - Harry Potter #6, June - Harry Potter #7 [don't judge])
  67. Tell my ex-boyfriend to leave me alone without worrying about what he’ll do because of it
  68. Read the books I was supposed to read in high school
  69. Do Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
  70. Coach a cheerleading team again
  71. Swim with dolphins
  72. Visit my best friend in Milwaukee
  73. Write more thank you notes
  74. Participate in Meals on Wheels
  75. Cuddle with someone in front of a fire
  76. Create, and stick to, a workout plan
  77. Go on a road trip
  78. Make a cake covered in fondant
  79. Hang Christmas lights on the outside of my house
  80. Participate in another religion’s tradition
  81. Learn how to successfully make at least 5 drinks well
  82. Go to Nashville and act like a total tourist (taking pictures with all the statues and whatnot)
  83. Go to a football bowl game
  84. Go whitewater rafting
  85. Talk to my extended family more often
  86. Learn to make at least 15 recipes from memory (not including salad and spaghetti)
  87. Buy all the seasons of The Office
  88. Go to an art gallery opening
  89. Make a dress
  90. Take time out each week to do nothing and relax my mind
  91. Go hiking
  92. Drink less Coke
  93. Buy stock
  94. Spend New Year’s in a different city than the one I live in
  95. Do something for someone else on my birthday
  96. Write an essay and have it published
  97. Freebie – y’all’s suggestions?
  98. Mow the yard for my mom
  99. Get an internship
  100. Go see a television show in person
  101. Audition to be in a play

wish me luck!! :)

1 comment:

Ben said...

This list is fucking awesome!

And I'm not just saying that because I now get to tick off another of my own items (ok maybe a little), even though I didn't have to do much convincing.

I wish you as much luck as it will take to get all of that shit done!