Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Technology. The angry step-daughter of life.

Ok y'all. All I'm gonna say is that blogger needs a mobile device stat bc my computer has gone to the other side. I believe it's last words were "Fuck you guys, I'm out." or something along those lines as we had a tumultuous relationship. And by tumultuous, I mean it hated to live. It was like Rihanna the day after C. Brown beat her. FEMA once Katrina hit. 50 Cent after Kanye beat him in album sales. Michael Jackson when.. Well you get the point. 
Anyway, needless to say I'm on the look for a new computer so if y'all have any suggestions for one that is 
A. Bomb diggity 
B. Not a Dell 
C. Doesn't hate life after a short run 
D. Able to withstand me 
Lemme know.

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